Monday, October 20, 2008

Zotto and Hermocida dancing "Gallo Ciego"

Howdy folks. Here is a terrific and so well-executed Tango. You guys can stop imagining and wondering how Tango is danced as Zotto and Hermocida shows us how provocative and lovely this dance is. So give yourself a minute, check it out and enjoy it.

As I have been saying throughout my blog, once you start dancing it, it really becomes addictive, and even becomes tremendously more personal and romantic, if you are doing it along with a especial person.

If you guys were delighted with this dance, why don't you guys give yourself a try and come today to the class at 7 p.m. at the gym in San Mateo College. It is worthy to be said that you have nothing to be afraid of, as you will find all beginners, a great teacher and more importantly a FUN ENVIROMENT.

I am looking forward for your comments.

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